Fátima Sardinha
Fátima Sardinha shows in her artworks an ambivalence of meanings between her personal values, the peculiar way of watching the world around her and how she expresses herself in the canvas.
The use of very bright colors doesn't means the first happy impression that the observer gets from the visual impact of her paintings. After a more detailed look, one can discover in her deep textures and in the small details of each painting different subconscious sign's like faces, lost souls... Sometimes what it looks so pretty and full of harmony and happiness, at the first sight, becomes more dark and drives us to an obscure and obsessed world, fighting between caos and order. Searching for the light is one of her biggest aims, her works need also that light, so important for her, to be appreciated in all its splendor and richness of colors, shades, textures, movements and hidden subconscious elements.
The movements and changes of direction impressed in her artworks are the reflection of the intrinsic and spiritual relation she establishes between her state of mind and music she chooses to listen during the process. Her strong personality also influences the rhythm of her paintings, she always try to go further in all her new works, this demanding personality is becoming more visible among her artworks since she start painting.
The use of pure oil on canvas and her impasto technique is also a way to contradict the anxiety so characteristic of her personality!
Fátima`s artwork it's her world, her struggles, emotions, moods and personal fights to achieve her dreams! In her own words, her mottos are :
"I always achieve what I want!"
"We born alone, fight alone and die alone!"
"We only live once so we must be happy and dream and make them happen!"
These mottos shows her eagerness to achive success!
Besides her strong personality and eagerness, she have a very sensitive and profound caring side! She feels happy of making other people happy and making them being successful. The key to be successful for her is believing in yourself and be passionate about what you are creating, you must believe in yourself! For her, these are the keys to achieve dreams and make others being successful! These keys associated to a continuous constructive criticism attitude can easily lead people to new paths in their careers.
Her continuous attitude of caring and believing in new talented artists are other concern and her way of seeing the world. All this beliefs made her create the Screaming Art Group, a community of emergent and established artists with social concerns, as art as way of therapy, the intervention of two psychologists to understand the different aspects of the art of some members of the group, the inclusion of emerging artists in exhibitions, etc. To make this happen, she had the support of different individualitys like established artists, the curator Sergio Gomez and especially Pedro Manuel owner of @thescream_art page and co-founder of the group!
Fátima felt personally the difficulty of getting in the art world and show her work, because the doors are almost completely closed to emergent artists and self-taught ones, she created her own door and open it to others in the similar situations!

A moment...a pure moment without a proper explanation or a previous thought... a moment of madness or simply pure lucidity ... The fact is, that those magical "thank you's" flourished since day one, to an endless sea of recognition, respect and, above all, trust.
With more than 20 years of experience in the research and management side, the unknown owner of the @thescream_art was wondering...what if? What if "this could be something more?", a highway to something tangible....
Through the first months of this road where dedicated to look and listen, listen and question, question and wonder... travel throughout those universes created by the imagination and talent of so many, some so well known, others digging and trying to uplift their tree of success....
What if?
How to do it?
A moment....another moment...
A simple repost and all started....
Fátima's strength and struggles were the fuel for the pumping ideas and endless stamina in the veins...
What if??...No if's!
Let's do it!