Rudi Eckerle
Rudi Eckerle was born 1946 in Bühl, Germany, lives and works in Baden-Baden Steinbach as a freelance artist. As an independent painter - and master painter and state - certified designer, he was owner and managing director of Maler Eckerle GmbH Technik und Design until 2007. After his apprenticeship and master craftsman examination he studied from 1964 - 1968 at the Baden painter school Lahr, college of design with degree "certified designer." In addition to the general subjects was here the emphasis design theory, design, art, art history.
In 2003, he began to paint pictures again, meanwhile these are usually large format abstract. He paints in mixed media freely and abstractly. Although he takes nature as a model, in his works the natural is transformed into a symbol of the natural. Image landscapes becomes soul landscapes. Abstract painting in the form of traces of time. Every picture becomes an adventurous process with color, the canvas. It is a constant cycle between creating, failing and starting anew. Only when the picture reflects and touches its feelings, sensations, visions is it ready.
His pictures should surprise the viewer, raise questions, owe answers, he has to get involved with the picture to understand it.
He has been seen at numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. Among others in Germany, France, Mallorca / Spain, Austria. As a multi-award-winning artist, his works are known nationwide and can be found both in private and in public spaces.
Website: http://art-design-rudieckerle.de/